Memories Of Finton House | Finton House School
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Memories Of Finton House

Your memories of Finton House School

Do you have any lasting memories of Finton House School? If you have a few minutes to jot down your memories, please send an email to We would love to share your stories with our school community and on our website. Please do include any photographs you would like to share with us.

“Drama and impressions were something I was always good at and the teachers were able to see my strengths. If it wasn’t for Finton and its belief in my theatrical abilities, I wouldn’t have been pushed in the direction to chase my dream of acting and this year I’ve been accepted into drama school. I’ll be eternally grateful to all the teachers who believed in me and who fostered my creativeness.”

– William Cook

“What I really took from Finton was its belief that everyone was good at something, and the encouragement the teachers, school bus drivers and kitchen helpers, the whole adult Finton community, gave us to try new things out and see what happened. I remember thinking I could grow up and be almost anything as long as I worked hard enough.”

– Julia Whitehouse

“Finton has given me many memories that I will cherish for life, from Sports Day egg races which I lost spectacularly (sorry Macmillan) to winning the science competition in Year 4 with a home-made wooden catapult, launching a pingpong ball down Wandle Road further than Mr Richard’s tape measure would extend. Most importantly for me is the network of close friends I came away from Finton with, teachers and pupils both included.”

– Hugo Murphy


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