Reception | Independent Prep School | Finton House School
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We know that starting school is an exciting yet potentially anxious time for both children and parents, but you can rest assured that there are many steps that we take to ensure a smooth transition. For the first couple of weeks in September, children stay for half-days whilst they get used to the routine of “big school”. The Reception block is housed adjacently to our main School building, which allows children time to become used to new ways of learning and making friends without being overwhelmed in their first year. Our three Reception classrooms are warm and welcoming.

Children learn to understand the power of self-belief from the very first day they join us. Pursuing our goals and never giving up are important recurring messages which are addressed in the classrooms and assemblies throughout the year. Pupils at Finton are given confidence through “All About Me” displays and presentations, and love the crowns and badges that are presented during “Star of the Week”. They are encouraged to share their work with parents and grandparents, who we invite in to see their work. The Nativity production, class plays and the annual swimming gala are just a few highlights of the children’s first year at school.

Specialist taught subjects such as French, Art, Computing, Games, Swimming and Music are spread throughout the week and complement the core learning that takes place in the classroom.

We have a rich outdoor learning program which involves opportunities to take learning outside the classroom to the playground and front garden, but also further afield to Wandsworth Common, Tom’s Farm and our secret garden at Trinity Fields.

Early Intervention groups led by experienced assistants aim to boost children’s confidence in areas such as Fine Motor Skills, Speech & Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Social Skills.

A day in the life of Reception

by Year 6 School Reporter Annika P.

Outdoor Learning Gallery

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