Our Community | Prep School London | Finton House School
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About Us

At Finton, children enjoy busy days filled with laughter, friendship and immersive learning experiences. Everyone is included, and strong relationships with parents, governors, guardians, alumni and friends of the School, make it a special community to be part of. Leavers carry their fondness for the School with them long after they leave the classroom and often return as gap year assistants, prospective parents or indeed start their teaching career at Finton.

We value the school’s status as a charitable trust, the benefits of which are many. For children and current parents, it means that the school is well resourced and that fees are kept as low as possible, but for the wider school community, it goes much further than this, embodying the values that underpin everything we do.

Finton House promotes a sense of social responsibility in all its pupils, through its motto “Open Hearts and Guiding Hands” and through its aim that “Everyone feels safe, happy and valued in a community that promotes lifelong health and wellbeing.” This goes well beyond the school gates; and the school continually looks for ways to share its values and resources with the wider community including other schools, youth clubs and nursing homes. Pupils also benefit from a wide range of links with the local community. Charitable work talks from visiting professionals and trips to sites of educational value add to their understanding of the world around them.

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Our Community