School Bus | Finton House School
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Finton House school bus

School Bus

Our school bus service is managed by Vectare, a specialist school transport management company.  Vectare manage all aspects of the home to school bus service, and any enquiries can be directed to their team at

All bookings for school bus routes are made via our online booking system, which can be viewed at Payment for the bus service is made via the online booking system. The website also incorporates an interactive journey planner which allows you to enter your postcode and find your closest bus stop. Our transport guide provides an overview of the school bus service and contains further details including fare and timetable information. All bookings for all routes can be made via the dedicated transport website.

Our current service runs to and from The East Hill (Alma Road), stopping near to Earlsfield Station, Burntwood Lane, Summertown and Finton House School.

If you need any further assistance, or you would like to discuss travel options from areas not currently served by our network, please contact us via the bookings website and we will be pleased to assist. Subject to demand, we anticipate that a second route will be added over the coming academic year.

For more general information about Finton House and the admissions process, please click here.

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Read Our Transport Guide