Finton House has a tradition of providing an education for a number of children with known and described special educational needs, providing places are available. The School makes every effort to ensure that reasonable measures are taken to provide accessibility for a range of different special needs.
It should be pointed out that is not always possible to offer places in a year group if it is full. The application process is the same, and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Siblings of children, Old Fintonians and children of staff are given priority providing we can meet the child’s needs.
Parents are asked to share, as early as possible, any information about their child’s development on registering which might lead to the need for any additional support at school. The School will request full disclosure of any medical conditions, allergies, learning difficulties and/or disability or emotional/social difficulties. The School will then determine whether the School can meet your child’s needs, using the following criteria:
Depending on the SEND and level of support that is being recommended from the shared reports, we may arrange to observe the child at nursery to ensure we are able to meet the child’s needs once they start at Finton. At that point, if we are able to meet the child’s needs but additional support/resources would be beneficial, we would arrange a meeting or phone call with parents to ensure appropriate support can be put in place for when the child starts.
If it becomes apparent that the School is not able to provide a suitable setting for the child, then the offer of a place will be withdrawn and the deposit will be refunded.
Please contact the Registrar on 020 8682 5757 or email here.