School Reporters Interview Mr Joe and Mr Joe |
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School Reporters Interview Mr Joe and Mr Joe

Last week we, your School Reporters, sat down with Mr Joe Walton (3J Class Teacher) and Mr Joe Pryor (5J Class Teacher).

Mr Joe (3J) was originally a gap year student at Finton who came back after completing a degree in Primary Education. We asked him…

What was it about Finton that made you come back?

“I loved working with the staff here and it’s such a happy place. It just felt like the right move to come back.”

What’s changed the most since you used to work at Finton?

“The buildings (including all the new screens), there’s new astro on the playground… a lot has changed!”


Mr Joe (5J) has recently moved to London and hasn’t worked at Finton before.

What was it about Finton that made you choose it?

“I’ve never taught at a private school before and so I wanted to try teaching in a new environment. Finton really seemed like a good place to do that.”

What school did you teach at before?

“It was a state school in Kent.”


We asked both Mr Joes the following questions and loved seeing how different their answers were!

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?

“If I wasn’t a class teacher I think I’d teach sport, but if I couldn’t be a teacher then probably a physio.” (3J)

“I’d probably be in an outgoing position… maybe in recruitment, or an estate agent!” (5J)

What’s your favourite subject to teach?

“I love teaching English because it’s so creative, plus you can teach it in many different ways.” (3J)

“I’d have to say Maths – there is such an appetite for it here which makes for a really keen learning environment.” (5J)

And finally… what’s your favourite school lunch?

“Meatballs and jelly. 100%.” (3J)

“I love the salad bar because there are so many options, but largely because of the cheese selection… I’ve got five different types of cheese on my plate right now…” (5J)

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