An adventurous crew of 31 Fintonians completed the Lidl Mudder in October and raised over £5000 for Microtia UK.
“Lidl Mudder is a mile-long obstacle course, giving us the chance to get muddy and work as a team!” reported Finton pupil Bebe, who organised the initiative.
Bebe herself was born with unilateral Microtia affecting her left ear. This means that her outer ear and ear canal did not develop properly, resulting in a ‘little’ ear and almost complete hearing loss on her left side. “My Microtia means that I often have to work twice as hard in a lot of settings – from being at school; in the classroom or playground, to crowded shopping centres or other noisy environments, I can lose my spatial awareness quite easily and find certain loud sounds upsetting. For that reason, I wear a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) which helps me a lot.”
Jennie, Mum of Bebe and brother Noah, said “The children all worked together and completed the course with ease. They have raised over £5k which is an incredible achievement! The charity contacted us directly and have sent a trophy and individual medals for each child.”
Finton was founded as a charitable trust in 1987 with an inclusive ethos, one which remains at the heart of everything that we do. You can click here to learn more about our charitable aims.