Year 1-3 children impressed the audience with a fantastic carol concert on Thursday. Their enthusiasm was infectious and their performing skills top-notch. It was a pleasure to watch them having fun on stage and it was clear that they thoroughly enjoyed it themselves. What a wonderful celebration to end the term!
Also many heartfelt congratulations to all the children and teachers involved in the Upper School Carol Service this year. This was a particularly notable occasion in which the choir sounded outstandingly beautiful.
“Yesterday, the whole of the Upper School had a Christmas carol concert. It was amazing! Although a bit nerve-wracking because we had to stand up in front of so many people, it was a great experience for us all. I would like to thank Miss Maria and Miss Emma for helping us rehearse and also Mr Steve, Mr Jamie and Mr Harry who set up the stage. We are all sad this will be Year 6’s last carol concert!”
– Yoshua A, School Reporter