Plastic Ocean Presentation | Finton House School
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Plastic Ocean

Plastic Ocean Presentation

Did you know that more than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year?

Upper School pupils at Finton House listened to a thought-provoking assembly about the environmental impact of plastic waste in our oceans. Jo Ruxton, who is a founder of the Plastic Oceans Foundation, stressed the importance of spreading awareness of the issues amongst our youngest generation.

“We should never underestimate the harmful impact waste can have on the oceans and its habitants.”  Miss Jo went on to tell the children that plastic pieces can be found broken up in tiny pieces in the ocean which are then consumed by marine animals and release toxic chemicals in their bodies. As an example she highlighted that a shocking 90% of all seabirds are found to have plastic in their stomachs, since mother birds think the shining small pieces of plastic are squid and feed it to their babies.

Not only does this harm the marine animals but it is very much a concern for human health as well. For example, we eat fish without realising that those toxic plastic pieces also enter our bodies.

Jo made sure that the children are aware that it is never too late to make a difference by changing our daily habits to protect our environment. Avoiding the purchase of packaged vegetables at the supermarkets, drinking tap water instead of bottled water and recycling plastic are only some of the things every single one of us can do to live responsibly.

At the end of the presentation, the children were not only deeply touched by the fate of many sea animals who have sustained injuries because of plastic pieces in the ocean, but also realised how much our daily actions can impact the planet’s environment.

It was lovely to hear the children proudly sharing their examples of picking up litter at the local park, recycling plastic at home and throwing away litter at the beach. Well done Fintonians, keep up the great community work!

As always, we were very proud with the way our pupils showed respect and listened attentively to the presentation. We hope they will remember this assembly the next time they go to the supermarket or throw away their plastic waste at home.

Thank you Miss Jo for coming to Finton House, and for delivering such a memorable talk.

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